Saturday, November 29, 2008


I am a klutz... and I am clumsy. Not at home though. In public, which makes it all the more mortifying. I know you're just going to say that it happens to everyone and all that.

Okay, here's what happened.

Scenario 1 (although they shouldn't really be called scenarios since they are real, but whatever):

I fell down some stairs. Yes, I know, people who have stairs in their homes usually fall down them once or twice. But, errm, you see, this was NOT at home. It was a bookshop. You know, ones which are all full of people and those book nerds (don't worry, I'm one too) are so silent that you can hear a freaking pin drop in there.

Imagine how it much sound would be created when someone falls down the stairs.
Not only did I fall, but I managed to roll (sort of) right down to the bottom. Seriously, my legs and feet were made of jelly, I think. No worries though, I got right back up without a moment's hesitation as soon as I got to the bottom. I think I was too shaken to even bother to turn red like a beetroot.

Scenario 2:

I fell inside a chair. INSIDE. HOW IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE? huh? huh? And this wasn't at home either. It was at a party; a loud, social gathering where you could possibly die of oxygen deprivation because too many people are squished together into one building and you're almost blinded by the crazy lights which make you look like some weirdo in the photos. This said party apparently has broken furniture.

So, there I was all dressed up and pretty; smiling my fake smile at people I didn't know and laughing at jokes which were not funny (at all, seriously). I got tired of standing around so I found a chair and sat down. BAD IDEA! I fell right through. I wonder how I must have looked with my bum through a chair... *pictures it* Yeah, I might have to avoid those people for another year or so, at least until it blows of.

If a carpenter or any other chair-making person was around I would have grabbed him/her, given a big lecture about how furniture is supposed to make life comfortable and not have their social life stunted and then banged his/her head against the infernal chair and killed him/her.

Those are the reasons why I have recently decided never to leave the four walls of my bedroom and hide under the cozy folds of my quilt. It's quite lovely under there. There are no stairs or chairs to ruin a person's reputation.


Anonymous said...

Lolzz... no need to stick at home, else you will get engaged in a mishap there too...(just joking)

*~*Ryn*~* said...

Yes...lolx but until then I'm not coming outta there..

Anonymous said...

hmm... we seem to be birds of a feather ryn...! even i am clumsy to the bone!! :)

but dont stick at home always...maybe u & i balance the perfectly balanced people!! :D

Now said...

hehe i have commented earlier on that day while chating no comments here lolx

*~*Ryn*~* said...

Leo: lolx.. this clumsiness is actually new to me, hence, all the frustration. ;)

Now: Yeah, you did listen to me go all capital about. lolx.. thanks. :D

Anonymous said...

Come on out AND join the club babay.
Have you ever dropped soda all over yyourself in the 1st five minutes of your first day at your first job so it looks like you peed?
And then stood in the loo, trying to use toilet paper to get it off but instead of that happening, finding that your pants are covered with feathery paper bits?


Zahfa Aisha Hussain said...


Hee hee hee! Hoo hoo hoo! Haa haa haa!

*clamps hand over mouth guiltily*

*~*Ryn*~* said...

Ki: OH GOD SERIOUSLY?!? lolx.. we really should form a club! :D

Anths: ooooo! You're mean. *sobs*

Zahfa Aisha Hussain said...

tee hee!! sorry baby! i couldn't help myself!

u can laugh at me too when i tell you all about how i fell face flat into a puddle in front of my office building WHILE my boss, my colleagues, the workers and pretty much all the pedestrians of male' were milling around!

*shudders at the memory*

*~*Ryn*~* said...

laughs so hard at you!




Sandi said...

Just checking in!

*~*Ryn*~* said...

Thanks.. hi to you too! :D

Anonymous said...

YEAH!!! I spent the whole day clutching my bag over my pants. I didn't even stand up for lunch! :'(
Oh well. A klutz is as a klutz does :)

*~*Ryn*~* said...

Awwww poor you... lolx.. yep, totally agree with that last statement

Disguise said...

IT happens!
What's the fun of NOT falling?
Not being clumsy?
Not being all careless?

Organized, careful is BORING.

*~*Ryn*~* said...

Teehee! I totally agree. =)

*high-fives you*

Manu Akula said...

Stop wearing those stupid shoes with pointy things.

*~*Ryn*~* said...

If you mean heels, I don't wear them that often.

Flying Flower Fantasy said...

There's a lot of clutzy people in the world so don't hide. Trust me. :) At my school the sidewalk is a little uneven at one point and part sticks out a little bit and somehow I always nearly fall cause of it. That and I can't take the short cut to the portables since the field is muddy and I can't get across with out slipping.

*~*Ryn*~* said...

lolxx.. =)

Thanks for the support.

I've decided to come out now.. and will only hide under the covers at nght :D

AD said...

I know, just wrap yourself in bubble wrap!

That way, you'll be safe from harm....although, I don't think it'd help the clumsiness all together...

Dang, I thought that was going to work. Haha.



*~*Ryn*~* said...

Bubble wrap might work...

I saw a couple days ago that some people invented bubble wrap clothes, so at least I'll be in fashion! XD

Nerdy Cyberchick said...

My particular challenge is with escalators.

*~*Ryn*~* said...

Ahhh... thankfully escalators do not loathe me. =)

Unknown said...

how is it that sometimes one can be clumsy and just brush it off but other times, it just infuriates me? Also, I have two sets of stairs in my condo and I trip and/or slip either up or down them at least once a week. lol.

*~*Ryn*~* said...

Lolx.. I always find one way or another to laugh about my clumsiness. :D

Anonymous said...

I fell off a chair and busted my shoulder. :P

Ooh go see my blog. I wrote a story. :D

*~*Ryn*~* said...

I loved your story babes... keep writing.. :D