Tuesday, December 30, 2008

My Trip to the Zoo... (Aren't I a good photographer?)

A picture is worth a thousand words.. so I'm not gonna say anything and leave them to speak for themselves. :)


Now said...

im too tired to leave a long comment after reading the 28000 word long post lolx. and you are great

*~*Ryn*~* said...

Awwww.. you're great too for reading the 28000 word long post (is it really that long?) lolxx

pisku said...

I like the one with the leopard (or cub is it?) staring into the lens!

*~*Ryn*~* said...

Yeah, that one's my favourite. =)
And no, it wasn't a cub. It was one HUGE leopard. :D

Kira said...

Nice Zebra.

*~*Ryn*~* said...

I love their stripes. :D The poor thing had a wound on his leg thouh. :(

Ammietia (a girl you once knew) said...

I must ask. Where do you live that you can go to the zoo at the end of December and there isn't snow everywhere? Not anywhere near where I live, that's for sure XD

Beautiful pictures. Now I want to the zoo. But as I said, too much snow and cold winds for that.

Zahfa Aisha Hussain said...

lolz.....are those the bears u told me about? O_O

The bright blue peacock below the giant tortoise that's having a salad is pretty......

Kira said...


*~*Ryn*~* said...

I live in Asia and moved to Sri Lanka in December and yes, that is no where near Canada. :P Thanks. Happy New Year!!!

Yes, those are the bears. XD And the peacock says thanks for the compliment.

Kira: Happy New Year to you too! *hugs*

Vigneshwar said...

nice snaps& cool template

Vani said...

wow the pictures r really cute.
Loved dem
Is dat colombo zoo??

*~*Ryn*~* said...

Vigneshwar: Thanks! :)

Vani: Yeah, it is. And thank you... =)

Mysterious Mia said...

awesome pics......

*~*Ryn*~* said...

Thank you! :D :D